Tiago Forte: Building a Second Brain
My summary Mindmap of BASB
I read the nice book from Tiago Forte "Building a Second Brain" and in order to understand the concepts better, I created this small Mindmap as a summary. For this I used PlantUML (see code below) and generated the Mindmap using Org-mode.

@startmindmap <STYLE> legend { backgroundColor #Wheat } footer { backgroundColor #Yellow|#LightGreen lineColor #Black padding 4 } </STYLE> center header <size:20><b>Building a Second Brain</b></size> +[#orange] CODE --[#lightblue] <b>C</b>: Capture what resonates. --- Useful? --- Surprising? --- Favourite Problem? --[#lightgreen] <b>O</b>: Organize the captured for action. --- <b>(P)roject</b> to push forward. --- <b>(A)rea</b> of Responsiblity. --- <b>(R)essource</b> for the future. --- <b>(A)rchive</b> of DONE. ++[#Gold] <b>D</b>: Distill the essence. +++ (1) Capture 10% of Raw Source. +++ (2) Bold 10% of captured. +++ (3) Highlight 10% of bolded. +++ (4) Write a Bullet-Point-Summary in own words. ++[#magenta] <b>E</b>: Express yourself. +++ Brake down in Intermediate (reusable) Packages. +++ Form (connected) Archipelago of Ideas. +++ Build "Hemingway Bridges" to guide yourself. +++ Dial-down-the-Scope when you get stuck. +++ Share before you are ready. legend top left <b>Creative phases:</b> - <b><color: blue>Divergence</color></b>: Capture, Organize - <b><color: green>Convergence</color></b>: Distill, Express endlegend center footer <size:16><b>Mindset Switch: NOVEL&PUBLIC to TIMELESS&PRIVATE and CONSUMING to CREATING.</b></size> @endmindmap