Second round of tweaking
Gnome-Keyring is used for storing passwords in Phosh. At the time it is not integrated with the Phosh pin, so if you set a password it needs to be opened up manually every time you log in. If you do not want this, then set it up with a blank password.
If it set up without the password, then it stored not encrypted on the drive. Beware!!
Installing VPNC
I need a Cisco client for accessing my home network. I decided to use vpnc.
It is CLI but easy to use, so this is good enough for me.
Setting up ZRAM
I decided to setup ZRAM, because Pinetab does not have a lot of RAM. This is just in case, although my RAM is never full. I do not use a lot of apps or have a lot tabs open Firefox.
Setting up switching of the On-Screen-Keyboard
With the update of sqeekboard to version 1.10, the honoring of the variable screen-keyboard-enable is supported. So using this combined with some udev magic can give us following:
- Mechanical keyboard attached -> Disable On-Screen-Keyboard
- Mechanical keyboard removed -> Enable On-Screen-Keyboard
To do this create two script in /home/mobian/scripts,
one named with gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications screen-keyboard-enabled true
and the other one named with gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications screen-keyboard-enabled false
Then create a file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-attach-keyboard.rules
with following code
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{PRODUCT}=="258a/1e/100", RUN+="/bin/su mobian --command='/home/mobian/scripts/'" ACTION=="remove", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{PRODUCT}=="258a/1e/100", RUN+="/bin/su mobian --command='/home/mobian/scripts/'"
After this issue udevadm control --reload
and enjoy your new keyboard switching!
Happy hacking!!!