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Hi there!


My username is anonimno

I am a father, husband, engineer, team lead, hobby hacker and FLOSS enthusiast living in Europe.
As a person I try to keep an open mind, treat everyone with respect, never stop learning and contribute to the society as much as I can.

What are my interests and what will get airtime on this blog?

I mostly try to keep the big players out of my digital life. They promote walled gardens and you always overpay the product you get from them with your private data.
It's not that I don't like the comfort of buying stuff while laying on my sofa or watching Video-on-Demand. Believe me I do, I am not a Luddite! But I want to be a customer, not the product. This is why privacy and self-hosting is very interesting to me. I built and currently maintain: my own smarthome (used Domoticz for years, then switched to Home Assistant), our family's Nextcloud instance, web library with Calibre, read-later platform with Wallabag etc.

I am also very interested in improving the quality of my life. This means that I want to take care of my physical and psychological health, spend quality time with my loved ones and do things that make me happy (learning more about myself, reading good books, listening to music …).
In order to get this organized, planned and executed (I am mostly Blue and Red) I use Emacs (you can find my configuration here) and my self-hosted services above.

A couple of years ago I started to lead multiple engineering teams, that are based in different parts of the world (Europe, India, …). Here I am interested in understanding different people and other cultures, in order to make the teams stronger and perform better. So expect some reflections about leadership related topics.

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